Today I'm celebrating my 27th birthday, and I honestly haven't felt better. Getting older is a concept that really shouldn't be as scary as it sounds. Like at what age did we stop getting excited at the prospect of being older?
I love birthdays and celebrating another year of life is so special. It is a blessing because not everyone has the chance to grow old. And when you view it this way, it doesn't seem too bad. We already have a limited time on this earth, so why not enjoy it while you still can! The days are long, but the years are so short. And in a blink of an eye, you're another year older. And if you're lucky, another year wiser.
Reflecting on 26, what an incredible year for me. I went back to school and got my Masters! Not only that, I did it in LONDON - my dream that I made reality. I got to experience so much this past year. I turned a flat into a home. I met new friends who would become family. I embraced new opportunities that I've never even explored before. I opened my heart to all possibilities that life can offer. And I truly enjoyed every moment of it.
I remember at the start of this lockdown with all the Pisces and Aries peeps having quarantine birthdays! Who would've thought we'd still be needing to have these in September? Surely don't mind it all that much though.