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Spring Cleaning


I'm in a state between awe and disbelief that it is already nearly May... Boy is the year flying by! We are in the middle of spring and even though here in the UK it still feels like winter, I'm cherishing the extra bit of daylight these days and seeing London in bloom. To be honest, I do quite enjoy the slower winter months, more particularly when I don't need to be out in the cold. To be snuggled up in the duvet with Netflix on is what the homebody side (dare to say my true form) dreams of. But with the intent of not being so lazy and getting outside, I appreciate when the temperature starts to rise and even more when there's a cheeky bit of sun. I forget how much I actually do need the sunshine on my skin. Remind me again why I chose to leave southern California and come to London?

Ah yes of course, I did it for love. Love of a person, of a city, of a life that I wish to pursue. And I'd do it over and over again.

I like to think of spring as a fresh start and I've always felt that way. Maybe it's because the astrological year begins with Aries or because nature starts to feel alive again during this time of year. The joy I have walking around our neighborhood and seeing flowers and hearing birds chirping - it's enough to want to romanticize my days even more than I already do. I eagerly anticipate the moment I can pack away my winter clothes to bring out my spring wardrobe. Although again let's be real, up until this point, I'm still wearing my puffer jacket out. And I have a feeling I'm taking this bad boy with me into May.

But what always makes me excited about the spring is being able to plant the seeds that will come to fruition throughout the year. It's the time when I like to do my annual planning and establish my personal goals. I also like to reflect on the past season, while daydreaming of all the possibilities the next will bring. Out with the old, and in with the new. Deep breath in, deep breath out.

This past year I have felt some of my highest highs and my lowest lows. And I have learned to embrace both and appreciate that life is dynamic. One cannot exist without the other, and I have to remind myself of that every now and then. It hasn't been the easiest for me to navigate this new chapter, but I delight in the fact that I'm learning so much and figuring it out as I go. Life is short, but it's also pretty damn long too, so it's up to us to live it to its fullest. I'm really looking forward to the next couple of months and fun times ahead.

Wow I do love a good spring cleaning.



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