29 and feeling more than fine. If you told me two years ago that I would be spending another birthday in my favorite city, I wouldn't believe you. But alas, I'm celebrating another beautiful year of life in London town. With my boyfriend of one year. Seriously, pinch me.
I think it's very easy (and very human) to forget just how incredible and how much of a blessing it is to grow older. There's this "fear" of getting older/being old, but I will continue to challenge that it is actually so amazing and such a privilege to do so. Life's too short to believe otherwise.
I appreciate birthdays more and more each year. Call it getting wiser. I like to treat this day as my annual self check-in, which I truly feel is crucial to growing, developing, and evolving as a human being. It's also my reality check that whatever small thing I'm worried or stressing about at the moment won't even been a concern one/two/five years from this point. And as you can imagine, I'm extremely guilty of doing this. I'm not sure if it's a twenty-something existential crisis thing or just as Jasmin thing... But I'm working on getting better! Because it's true that at the end of the day, there's so much to be grateful and happy about. It also helps a lot to have Mario to remind me daily of this. What a beautiful, blessed life indeed!
I asked if we could go to Circolo Popolare for a late birthday lunch. I went once right before London went into lockdown in 2020, and I just loved the ambience so much that I couldn't wait to return. The restaurant is easiest one of the most gorgeously decorated I've ever seen - and I intend to take some of it as inspiration for our new home. As for the food, we shared the Bread Pitt, Lillibet pizza, and Ragù. Molto bene! Then for my birthday dessert, we split the biggest slice Lemon Meringue pie. It was seriously so huge, and left me feeling full the rest of the day.
Here's to the last year of my 20's!