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Our Indoor Picnic


A lockdown means no picnics in the park, but that doesn't mean you can't have one indoors.

Now, I LOVE me a picnic. And when I saw this picnic basket on my way out of our apartment building back in February with a note that said "Free Picnic Basket - Spring is coming!", I knew that it needed to be mine. I was fully prepared to take the basket with me to campus, which is where I was headed. Then, I quickly reasoned that that would be silly. If the basket was still there when I got back, then it was meant to be. But as destiny would have it, I run into my flatmate Krizel in the courtyard!! I'm pretty sure I didn't even properly greet her, but instead immediately say "There's a picnic basket on the inside, grab it for us!" And that's the story about the basket.

This week, London's weather has been absolutely ideal for a picnic at Regents Park. Unfortunately though, this isn't possible at the moment due to COVID-19. But I still wanted to have a picnic, so I thought about doing something special for Krizel and I inside our cute little flat. So that I did.

With Harry Styles' Fine Line album in the background, we laid out some blankets and I put together the cheese board. My cheese boards always include Brie, olives, and charcuterie. But my staple is definitely the arrangement. What can I say, I'm dedicated to the aesthetics!!

I hope everyone is keeping occupied during this period and are at the very least trying to enjoy themselves during this unprecedented time in history. Find the beauty in every day and remember that everything is going to be okay.

Jasmin xx


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